January 1947, Nicole was already practicing her favorite figures.

« I got my first skate when I was three and a half. I found it fun. I was skating every day for one or two hours. »

Introduced to her Majesty the Mother Queen

Of the United Kingdom





With DENISE HASSLER, Nicole's mum

At school

« Every year my parents asked me if I was still willing to keep going; but it was only when I was eleven that I had the guts to say NO. I hated skating! My dream was to go to school like my brother and all the other little girls. One morning, I finally find myself on the benches of the école communale de Chamonix … Finally!

But the school Director was used to go with the kids to various places to play Hockey and he offered me to go with them; I would do some demonstrations during the half time.

I was so proud, I went to tell my mum. 

«But my little girl, you gave up Figure Skating, there is no way you will do some demonstrations without training! The choice is up to you».

Never mind the demonstrations, but missing a sports trip with my brother and his friends from hockey, that was to hard. About fifteen days hesitation and it was all over again: 

– 7 in the morning training outside by minus 25 degrees

– 8.30 : school, 11.30 : training, lunch, 13.30 : school, 16.30 : training, 18.30 : homework, diner

– 20.00 : go to bed. But really without much enthusiasm. I was fulfilling the moral contract that I had with my mum. » (Nicole Hassler, Oct 1986)

School year 1953-1954, cours complémentaire, Chamonix-Mont-Blanc

People present on the picture

Front row, from the left : 3rd, Nicole Couttet

Middle row, from the left : 8th, Nicole Hassler

Do you see yourself ? Let us know if you want to figure in the list by sending us a message !

Testimony from Nicole Couttet,

on the 07.08.2021

« I will tell you three stories about your mum that I remember from when we were in class together at the groupe scolaire.

The first one: Nicole couldn’t bare that I wrote my first name with a simple capital, she was always correcting it like this!

The second: we were in italien classes with Monsieur Dubois who asked her to come to his desk, I can’t remember why, Nicole must have talk to him badly and when he was about to slap her, the desk fell off the podium and him with it!



The last one: Madame Michoux, our french teacher kicked her out of the class for misbehaving and after a while when she went to bring her back, Nicole was at the bottom of the staircase and said to Madame Michoux «if you want me to come back up, step back one step and I’ll come up one», and this for all the stairs!

We have to admit that she really had a strong personality that cannot go unnoticed! I watched some videos on the site and saw some pictures and really recognised your grand-father with his dogs. He was often walking them in the streets of Chamonix, I recognised your grand-mother as well. »

And actually, we can see her perfectly shaped «N» on the home page picture !

« The card she had sent me from the 1964 Innsbruck Olympics. »



« Nicole ! You have to go back to 1963 & 64, Alain Bozon was looking for speed skates for me, according to his advice my hockey skates weren’t suitable for speed and you were kind enough to lend me yours to my great delight !
I was often at training sessions and no one could beat your spins. It was extraordinary, much to your dad’s delight.
I had the great privilege of knowing Nicole, a young woman for me (I was 14) who was exceptionally kind, humble and always ready to help. I also had the privilege of being able to attend training sessions, which for me were strict, such dedication, hours and hours of rehearsal, great childhood memories. I never missed a championship broadcast on TV, every moment remembering the hours of training to get to those magical moments for the public, and the extremely difficult moments physically and morally for the skater, having witnessed many tears and accidents during those practices »

Michelle Pirotton ⛸️ 😘



« The puck and mascot were knitted by Bernard and Alain Mazza’s mom, if I remember correctly, and later given to me by friends, which I keep with my Cham memories. »